
How much do you need to start an online business?

Zero capital. ₱0.

But can we really make money when there is no capital? Yes and no.

Yes, but there is A LOOOOOT of hard work involved and there are more time and effort setting up systems from scratch.

No, because honestly, eventually, you will need to invest in something. Whether it’s a website or a new laptop or your time, they cost money.

So let me share my insights on the ways to make money on the categories here.

1. Freelance Consulting – learn a new digital skill. Whether it’s social media management, graphics design, or website development, you need to learn a new skill. If you are good at something, find people who are willing to pay for it. This is ideal for Coaches and Consultants. Or if you really have a digital skill. If none yet, find free courses about it. However, if you do this, you need to have selling skills to get clients so be prepared for that. If you want to know more about how I got started with freelance consulting to eventually building an agency, visit this page for free information on how I did this: https://nowlifestyle.ph/agency-business/.

If you already have a skill, go on LinkedIn, you can find clients there. Ask your family and friends.

2. Affiliate Marketing – This is selling other people’s products. Basically, join an affiliate program and their stuff. There are ways to get free traffic. I made my first online money from this kind of business.

Check out this guide: https://nowlifestyle.ph/affiliate-business/.

You can also join my Affiliates group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1349241815284368/.

3. Drop-Shipping – this actually not zero capital because you need to buy a platform with a system to do this but if you know a seller or supplier, you can promote their products and place the order when you customer buys. Kinda like what most resellers do right now.

4. Sales Referral – if you have some good connection and you have friends who are in real estate or insurance, you can talk to them and connect them to your network. You can of course also join companies who offer sales commissions. A lot of companies are downsizing and they prefer not to pay salespeople on salaries, so if you can do a sales referral, they would love this.

To give you some perspective, I made money online with zero capital. I made no money in my first 2 years. I learned everything for free. Trial and error. I realized it was more costly. Time is the most expensive asset we have! My revenue was way faster when I infuse money and reinvest on advertising to drive sales.

When I earned my first $100, I invested in a website because I was serious about this and I believe that if I have a website, I can do more. And true enough, when I got my website, making money online was much easier coz I also bought training courses to learn more. Remember that if you really do not have capital, be prepared for hard work, perseverance, and NEVER GIVE UP.

Check out www.nowlifestyle.ph/now to learn what online businesses I’m in.

So if you have at least ₱5,000, what can you start with?

So there are network marketing companies but it’s always a challenge and less than 5% can actually make money from this. It’s still hard work, trust, and well, network connections. It also has some bad vibes, but there are still legit ones at the end of the day. Anyway, this post is not about that.

1. Online Reselling – as always, find a product that you can sell. I suggest community online groceries or something like that. A lot of companies have been publishing ads that say they are open for City Distributors and Resellers. We are launching a new platform soon. Like our page and we will let you know when we launch!

2. Influencer Marketing – so many people right now are creating videos. Some use it to sell something, some are building their brand to eventually attract advertisers. It’s cool and can work but not all the time. If you have some capital, get a website and blog to look more professional, and buy the gadgets you need for your videos. I have a digital agency and we work with Influencers, we are launching this soon www.influencermarketer.online. Click the link for special PH pricing!

3. Affiliate Marketing – this business is also on zero capital but if you are serious about this, you need to have your own website so invest in it. Again, you can check this out https://nowlifestyle.ph/affiliate-business/.

4. Drop-Shipping – if you want proven systems and shortcut your way to drop shipping, you can also check this out for a free guide: https://nowlifestyle.ph/e-commerce-business/.

If you have less than ₱10,000 but you need to make money the soonest possible, I think the safest bet is to resell essential goods like food and health supplies.

Check out www.nowlifestyle.ph/now to learn what online businesses I’m in.

₱10,000 and up

Create a long-term online business plan. Do you want to be a coach? A consultant? Do you wanna sell products?

If you have at ₱10,000 to start your business, how much more money do you have if your ₱10,000 finishes? Can you sustain the business after that? How fast can you make money from your ₱10,000 investment? What if you already started something and ran out of money for advertising?

A lot of people have lost jobs now and I think some people will rather save their remaining money than risking it.

But if you have at least ₱10,000, start a business with it.

Check out NOW Lifestyle for more information: www.nowlifestyle.ph.

Sign up for FREE MENTORSHIP today.

Also, join my Digital Lifestyle Business Mentorship with Fei Yie group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/434934484312325